Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Power of Being Definitive

During this transformative process that I currently find myself in, I have come to realize that changes need to actively be made in my life.  One such change is getting rid of the phase "I will try to...".  This phase does not serve me well.  Whenever I want to do something (read a particularly complicated book, create, etc.) I have always said "I will try to ..." when I wanted to do something.  What I have found is that in saying this I more often that not fail at the task.  I have made it to where if I do not accomplish something then it is alright.  This makes it alright for me not to fully commit myself to the task.  This has led me to start various projects but never finishing them.  I was unknowingly sabotaging myself.

Well no more of that I say.  I am a woman with a purpose.  There are things in my life that I want to change in order to manifest all that is good and true.  It has only been a short while since this realization has struck me.  Since that time I have felt an empowerment that I have never known before.  I have been inspired to create again.  I have written an ode to the Goddess and even created several pieces of artwork.  Let me say that I am by no means an artist. Does my work have imperfections? Yes.  But that is the beauty of it, for it still contains my essence and therefore it is beautiful to me.  No longer will I self-sabotage.  So from this day on "I will do...".


Anonymous said...

I found myself saying "I will try". Now I say I am going too. I then I do. Also I have posted affirmations all around my house.

Unknown said...

Yes, I have found affirmations to be very powerful. I carry a little book of affirmations (some that I came up with and some that I have collected) in my pocketbook. They do wonders.